Icelandic Roots is a charitable organization registered as a 501c3 nonprofit in the United States. Donations, grants, and scholarships are awarded to individuals and organizations world-wide for Heritage, Culture, Education, Snorri Programs, Icelandic Language, and more. See the philanthropy list HERE.
A key element of the Icelandic Roots mission is “paying it forward” by awarding scholarships to individuals interested in learning more about Iceland, its culture, history, and language.
Our top recipient is The Snorri Program.
Other programs are The Gimli Icelandic Camp and
The University of Iceland for Icelandic Language Studies.
Support the project, program, or initiative of your choice!

Heritage Grants
We award cultural and heritage grants to deserving Icelandic heritage organizations and individuals for various initiatives in Canada, Iceland, and the United States. The list of recipients and projects continues to grow. Thank you to all who donate their time and talents to Icelandic Roots. See Our Team members. Become a volunteer or donate to help us do more.
See the current list HERE.