Our Organization
The Icelandic Roots (IR) heritage focus includes genealogy, literature, language, culture, traditions, and history of the people of Icelandic descent living here in North America and across the globe.
Our community approach helps people connect with each other, learn more about their unique Icelandic family history as well as our shared stories, and have fun.
The Icelandic Roots organization is managed and fueled by volunteers to keep this shared story alive and to preserve it for the next generations to come. The list of membership benefits and opportunities are on our HOME PAGE.

Charitable activities include educational scholarship funding, supporting and hosting cultural and educational events, funding special projects, and other activities that focus on Icelandic heritage, genealogy, literature, language, culture, traditions, and the history of the people living here in North America and around the world with Icelandic ancestors. See the list of Grant Recipients HERE.
See more about our Snorri Scholarships and Icelandic Language Scholarships HERE.
Membership fees go to projects and programs to educate and help people learn about our shared Icelandic Heritage. None of the team leaders, board members, or other volunteers are paid. Each of us helps with the tasks we can and volunteer our time to make Icelandic Roots the best place for anyone with Icelandic ancestors. Membership fees and donations allow us to not only provide cutting-edge technology, the seminars on helping people learn more, but also give back to our Icelandic Communities to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.