The Icelandic word for dog is hundur. In our Icelandic heritage, Hundadagarinn (The Dog Days) begins at this time in summer. This is usually the hottest and driest part of the summer and supposedly when dogs eat grass. Other folklore says that dolphins (Dog Fish) grow fat, become blind, and swim to the shore. To read more about Hundadagarinn (The Dog Days), the summer star -Sirius, and a story about the man who claimed to be King of Iceland in 1809, called the Dog Day King or the Convict King, read that story HERE.
I hope that you have a great summer! Happy Hundadagar! Click here to learn how to pronounce HUNDUR. Below is one of my favorite photos with an Icelandic dog - taken by Ronni Hauksson, The Aurora Photo Guide. You can purchase his photos Here.