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Sólarkaffi – Celebrating the Return of the Sun

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

We received a wonderful letter from Iceland today with words of their celebration called Sólarkaffi (Sun Coffee). In many of the narrow valleys of Iceland, the people will not see the sun for many weeks during the winter. They have daylight for a few hours or more but the sun never rises high enough in the sky to peek over the mountains. Especially in these areas, they celebrate Sólarkaffi when the sun shines on their houses - even if their glimpse of the sun is only for a few minutes.

Here is the letter from our friend, Helga:


Today is 27 January and since the day after yesterday we can welcome the sun who was already back at the Sungap at the church.

Helga Sólarkaffi2

Unfortunately, it was cloudy in the past few days, so I could not welcome the sun at 23th coming through the window of my house. Everywhere sun coffee now be held. For those whom I have not yet told, sun coffee is when you can greet the sun in your house for the first time. Then pancakes are baked, served to rhubarb jam and cream and invited friends.

On Sunday I'm going to Flateyri. There is traditionally baked for a "good cause". Now it's still really bright outside at 17 o'clock. What a difference to even a month ago!

In the photo you can see how far the sun is already shining yesterday in our Fjord. It's like a high day, people wish each other a Merry Suncoming.

Also on the ski area is now already the sun. The photo here I did a week ago, there the sun had not be come enough down.

And I wish you all well, enjoying the sun as soon as it appears.

Your Helga

Ísafjörður Guide Nature and Cultural Walks Helga Ingeborg Hausner Seljalandsvegur 85, 400 Ísafjörður sími: +354 - 456 2095, +354 - 845 0875 kt.: 1511512059

And a BIG HELLO to all our friends in Ísafjörður! I still have your calendar in the office .... just one of the unique and fun photos from this calendar is below. Fun!

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