Dear Icelandic Roots Friends and Cousins, We now have 632,000 people in the IR Database! That is >120,000 people in just over 4 years. We send a huge “Takk / Thanks” to everyone helping make this happen - especially those who are supporting members. Please remember to send updates and additions so we can preserve your family in our shared Icelandic story. If you know someone with Icelandic Roots and they are not in the database or their descendants are missing, please let them know. Have them fill out a “Cousins Across the Ocean” form or send the info to SUPPORT so we can get them connected.
As we gain more supporters, we are also able to “Pay It Forward” with more projects, scholarships, and grants. Together, we are making amazing progress. Thanks again for supporting the Mission of IR. Encourage others to Join Us, too.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Have a wonderful day!
Shine your light,