Over the years, the IR team has developed great relationships with people all over Canada, Iceland, the USA, and all across the world.

It is so enjoyable to have these connections with our friends and cousins. All these various communications, connections, and collaborations are the key to Icelandic Roots' success. We have developed a close community, which understands our shared story and values our charitable mission - our passion. Together, we are making amazing progress and keeping the ties with Iceland strong.
I am very pleased to announce that Ambassador Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson and his wife, Jóna Dóra, have accepted the appointment of Consul General in Winnipeg. He served as the Ambassador to the United States from 2011 to 2015. He is currently the Ambassador to India. He will be traveling to Iceland and then making his way to Winnipeg about the middle or end of July.
He has allowed me to share a personal letter (below his photo) with all of the Icelandic Roots supporters. This letter is for all of us ... all the ''Cousins Across the Ocean.'' He is IR#I104551 in the Database. Maybe you are one of his cousins, too!

Dear Sunna,
I look forward to seeing and reconnecting to my many friends and relatives in North America - both on the US and Canada side, when I will take up my new post as the Consul General in Winnipeg later in the summer. I look at my visits with great joy, great memories, the smiles, the friendly atmosphere and warmth of the people are still in my heart. I look forward to enjoying and really experiencing this again. The work that you do with Icelandic Roots/Genealogy/Cousins is outstanding and shows more than anything the love for your ancestors and cousins in 'Old Iceland.' I remember when I first came to Mountain in 2012 when all of a sudden a group of good people came along and they were my relatives. Distance of course, but my blood. That sticks in my mind. Keep up the good work. I'll see you face to face sooner rather than later. For the time being, I'm still the Ambassador in India, where it is 48 degrees Celsius most days and where the Covid Virus is on a rapid rise. I will get to North America and to the 'Western Icelanders' in due time. Things will resolve. Best wishes to all of you. Sjáumst fjótt, Bless, bless, Guðmundur Árni
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Have a wonderful weekend!