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Celebrating 7 years with exciting news (fréttir) and a new video (nýtt myndband)

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

**Íslenska eftir

Written by Sunna Furstenau, Edited by Natalie Guttormsson

Dear friends,

Here at Icelandic Roots, we are marking our 7th anniversary, and despite many worries and strife in the world this year, we have some great reasons to celebrate.

We celebrate our volunteer team that continues to grow stronger every day. Our volunteers live around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, and the United States. Their talents and backgrounds are varied, including genealogists, historians, writers, cartographers, IT experts, social media strategists, photographers, and more. Many of them began as members, working on their own family histories, adding information into their family trees in the database, before deciding to become volunteers and give back to the community.

We are grateful to each of them for their dedication and passion to grow our organization. You can click here to meet our fabulous team of volunteers.

Icelandic flag flying at Thingvellir national park in Iceland. icelandic heritage iceland flag icelandic heritage and culture icelandic history #icelandicroots #icelandhistory #icelandicemigrationhistory #newiceland

We celebrate our achievements towards our mission to preserve, promote, and educate all people about Icelandic heritage and culture. Over the past 7 years, we have donated more than $102,500 to Icelandic cultural and heritage organizations, as well as in scholarships to Snorri participants and students enrolled in Icelandic language programs.

In 2020, despite many events and programs having to cancel due to Covid-19, we donated $12,500 to Icelandic heritage organizations in the United States, Canada, and Iceland.

For the wider community, we continue to feature interesting articles and interviews on our blog and share cultural information on our social media pages, as well as host fun community events, like the “Footprints 4 Fun” fitness challenge. We’re also excited to announce that in the new year we will be launching the Icelandic Roots Podcast, which will be available on most podcast apps. Subscribe to our blog for future announcements.

And most importantly, we celebrate our many members around the world. Without your support and involvement, none of this would be possible. In our gratitude, we continue to add more members-only offerings such as the monthly “Samtal Hour” conversation get-togethers on Zoom, exclusive educational webinars, and database tutorials. We’ve also introduced some new database features such as the “My Cousins” function, the Fjallkona collection, detailed passenger lists, and lots of uploaded media items. We currently have over 21,800 pieces of media connected to the database, including photos, obituaries, newspaper clippings, and more. In January we will also be

launching the new Icelandic Roots Writers’ Society, a network for our members who are writers to connect with each other to share advice and ask questions. More details will be announced in the new year.

From the entire volunteer team, thank you to our supporters, friends, and family.

A screenshot of an Icelandic Roots seminar on Zoom. icelandic roots volunteer team non profit icelandic organization #icelandicculture #icelandicheritage #icelandiclanguage #northamericanhistory

**Keep scrolling past the Icelandic text below to watch the video!


Icelandic Roots fagnar sjö starfsárum sínum

Hópur sjálfboðaliðanna hjá IR styrkist stöðugt. Kunnátta og reynsla sjálfboðaliðanna sem eru staðsettir um víða veröld, svo sem í Ástralíu, Brasilíu, Kanada, Íslandi og í Bandaríkjunum er margvísleg. Í hópnum eru ættfræðingar, sagnfræðingar, rithöfundar, kortagerðarmenn, sérfræðingar í upplýsingatækni, útbreiðslustjórar, ljósmyndarar og margir fleiri. Fyrstu samskipti margra við IR voru þau að þeir voru að leita að fjölskyldusögu sinni og bættu þá upplýsingum um ætt sína við fyrirliggjandi upplýsingar í ættfræðivefnum og ákváðu svo að gerast sjálfboðaliðar og leggja málefninu lið. Hér getur þú lesið þér til um hópinn:

Margt hefur áunnist að því marki að varðveita, halda á loft og fræða fólk um arfleifð Íslendinga og menningu. Síðast liðin 7 ár hefur ættfræðivefurinn Icelandic Roots veitt liðlega $102.500 – eitt hundrað og tvö þúsund og fimm hundruð dali - til samtaka á sviði íslenskra menningarmála ásamt styrkjum til Snorra verkefnanna og til nemenda sem eru í íslenskunámi á Íslandi og í Kanada.

Map of Icelandic settlement locations in North American during the late 1800s to early 1900s. icelandic emigration to north america vesturfara western icelanders #icelandicheritage #icelandihistory #northamericanhistory #newiceland #westernicelander #vesturfara

Þrátt fyrir það að mörgum viðburðum varð að aflýsa vegna Covid-19 árið 2020 veitti IR samtökum um íslensku arfleifðina í Kanada, Bandaríkjunum og Íslandi $12.500 – tólf þúsund og fimm hundruð dali.

Ýmislegt áhugavert er líka í boði fyrir þá sem ekki eru skráðir með aðgang að ættfræðivefnum svo sem áhugaverðar greinar og viðtöl á blogginu ásamt menningartengdum upplýsingum. IR býður oft til skemmtilegra viðburða bæði staðbundinna og á netinu, svo sem námskeiða, vefnámskeiða, Spjallstunda eða líkamsræktarverkefni eins og “Fótspor til gamans”. Á nýju ári mun hlaðvarp á vegum Icelandic Roots hefja göngu sína. Skráið ykkur endilega inn á bloggið og fylgist með öllu því sem er á seyði.

Við höfum sett saman myndband til að fagna árunum 7 og hægt er að skoða það á samfélagsmiðlunum.

Þýðing eftir Bryndis

Translation by Bryndís Viglundsdóttir


You can share the video with the following link: YouTube:

Email us your questions or join the conversation on our Facebook Group.


The Icelandic Roots Community is a non-profit, educational heritage organization specializing in the genealogy, history, culture, and traditions of our Icelandic ancestors. We provide seminars, webinars, blogs, podcasts, workshops, social media, Samtal Hours, Book Club, New Member Training, a dedicated Icelandic Genealogy Database with live help for you, and much more. Our mailing address is in Fargo, ND but our volunteers and our philanthropy is spread across Canada, Iceland, and the USA. See our heritage grants and scholarships pages for more information and how to apply for a grant or scholarship.

Icelandic Roots
4715 Woodhaven St. S., Fargo, ND  58104 USA

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