Do you have an idea for an interesting article? A story about your ancestor? A travel report about your latest visit to Iceland? We're always looking for new material.
If you're an Icelandic Roots member or an IR volunteer, you can write for our newsletter. We are looking for articles about subjects of relevance to those of Icelandic descent or who are interested in Icelandic heritage, traditions, literature, and culture. Articles written by non-members will be considered based on the article’s relevance to Icelandic culture.
The newsletter is published bi-weekly and is emailed to approximately 4,500 members and non-members around the world.
How do I get published in Rætur Fréttir/Roots News?
Contact the Editor at outreach@icelandicroots.com with your story idea.
What are we looking for?
Short, timely articles of interest to people of Icelandic descent and Icelandophiles across North America and in Iceland. We are especially looking for articles about historic Icelandic women and in 2024, articles about the Settlement Era in Iceland.
What kind of articles do we publish?
Icelandic Roots is open to non-fiction submissions covering many topics, for example:
Icelandic Roots community news
opinion pieces
reviews of books, resources, or travel
historical pieces
profiles of family members or interesting Icelanders
How long should articles be?
Typical word limits for articles are 400 to 1500 words.
If you wish to submit a longer article, contact the Editor to discuss a series of smaller articles that will run over two or more consecutive newsletters.
Can I include photos?
A maximum of four of your own photos with descriptions may accompany articles. They should be in separate files (preferably in .jpg format). The resolution of images should be 100 dpi (400x600 pixels) up to 300 dpi (1200x1800 pixels.)
If you have a story idea or any questions about your submission, please contact the Editor. Thank You!