August is "Iceland Month." Today we begin a very fun and busy month with "Everything Icelandic." Icelandic Roots will be at events in the United States, Canada, and Iceland.

August 1, 2, 3: Mountain, North Dakota for The Deuce of August Today the IR Team has a 3-hour genealogy seminar teaching how to use the database. It will include special features, how to find information, and more. The focus will be on how to connect deeper with your Icelandic family story.

August 4 and 5: Gimli, Manitoba for Íslendingadagurinn
During this week, the kids are having fun at the Gimli Icelandic Camp. Icelandic Roots has provided funds for an education grant. They use the donation to help teach the youth Icelandic Language. Then we will be at The New Iceland Heritage Museum for a very fun Sunday.

Then several of the IR team will leave for Iceland and take part in the INLNA 100-year Tour to Iceland. We will be visiting important sites for our shared ancestors. The IR cartographer, Doug, has developed an AMAZING map showing the birth and emigration locations for each of the participants. Kent Lárus Björnsson has provided an interesting and fun itinerary. We will visit the Emigration Centers in Vopnafjörður and Hofsós plus many historic and tourist sites.
The tour consists of volunteers from these major Icelandic organizations: Icelandic Roots INLNA - Icelandic National League of North America INLUS - Icelandic National League of the United States Lögberg-Heimskringla newspaper plus many members of Icelandic Clubs throughout North America.
We will take part in Menningarnótt (Culture Night) in Reykjavík on August 24th and in the Icelandic National League of Iceland's conference on the 25th.
Icelandic Roots is an all volunteer organization. We "pay it forward" for scholarships, grants, educational events, help with conferences and conventions, heritage sites, and provide the wonderful Icelandic Roots Database. Come and join us today!